With the meaning of the agreement of the Party Committee, the Commune People's Committee, the direction and permission of the Village Party and the coordination between the two Branches: Tra Giang - Bac Tra My Village Youth Union 4 and the Faculty Union Physics - University of Education - UD organized the youth volunteer program in Tra Giang commune - Bac Tra My district - Quang Nam province.
The program took place in three days (from March 25th to 27th) with the participation of Mr. Nguyen Quy Tuan, Party secretary, Vice Dean of the Faculty together with 30 students in Faculty with specific activities. : building volleyball courts, presenting books, film screening and organizing night exchanges.
On the 13th of March, the delegation arrived in village 4, Tra Giang Commune, where they all started their work. The evening of 25th is a movie show, exchange and give stories for children.
March 26, everyone get up early preparing everything, "Youth Works" officially embarked on: machine gunners, sanders, people poured cement. Everybody is dusty with people, sweat wet but everyone laughs very well. By 3 pm volleyball court officially completed.
On the evening of March 26th, a cultural exchange program was held to celebrate the "85th Anniversary of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union" with many "home-grown" art shows. Mr. Le Thanh Tuong - secretary of village 4 in Tra Giang commune gave the opening speech of the program. Mr. Nguyen Quy Tuan - Party secretary, Vice Dean of the Faculty, presented the Faculty of Physics and sent gifts to the village.
And some pictures of the visiting to the historic Nuoc Oa :
The Youth Volunteer Program this time promotes the voluntary activities of students in the Faculty of Physics. This is an opportunity for the students to practice, dedicate and grow as well as create conditions for fostering. social skills; Strengthening traditional education, ethics, lifestyle for students.
Ending 3 days - There is no cold in the forest, no rain and wet forest is no longer the scene of the lack of but this trip seems to leave a lot of memories with the Faculty of Physics by the heat love, warmth and simplicity of the people here. Volunteering success, good. We would like to send our sincere thanks to the government, people of village 4 in Tra Giang commune and all students in Faculty.